Missions of Pine Grove Early Learning Center

As a mission of Pine Grove United Methodist Church, Rayville, we believe in reaching out to those in need, both locally and globally. We participate in many missions with the children, through the support of their families and teachers. Our current missions are: Food, toiletry, and clothing drives to meet the needs of the Baltimore North Cluster Food Bank, Happy Hope Bags that benefit hospitalized children through the Message of Hope Foundation, Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse, Cards for our troops, Cards for senior citizens in assisted living programs and our newest mission was packing 10,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now. Through participating in mission work the children learn the joy of giving, helping and serving others. If you would like to learn more about the organizations in bold simply click on the name and that should link you to their web page.
Pine Grove United Methodist Church, Rayville

Pine Grove UMC, Rayville as the body of Christ is called to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through personal testimony and example in a balanced community life which: provides a place of worship and praise where spiritual gifts are shared and nurtured; provides opportunities to study God's Word and apply it to our daily lives; demonstrates the Love of Christ through Christian service as we seek justice, mercy and abundant life for each other, our community and our world. Pine Grove UMC, Rayville is served by the Reverend Andrew Greenwood. You may reach him at the Church office at 410-343-0729 or by email at pastorandrewbwc@gmail.com. If you're looking for a Church home, our service is at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. Children attend Sunday School after the Children's Moment during our service. All are welcome. Please come and join us.
Baltimore North Cluster Food Bank and Community Clothing Closet

The Baltimore North Cluster Food Bank, an outreach ministry of 18 Cluster UM Churches, began in the early 1980's at Bentley Springs UMC. Moving in 1998 to the present location on the grounds of Pine Grove UMC, it is a volunteer service to those in need in the greater community. A brief, confidential interview is required prior to being served. Currently serving between 55 and 60 families the Food Bank is open Monday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. and Wednesday 5:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Relying completely on donations, cereal, canned meats, peanut butter, jelly, and spaghetti sauce are always needed along with all other non-perishable foods, household cleaning items, and monetary gifts. The Community Clothes Closet, a clothing exchange for all, opened in 2014 with quality clothing for all ages. For all information please call 443-974-2755.
Amazon Smile
Help support Pine Grove Early Learning Center by shopping on Amazon Smile (an outreach of amazon.com). Click on the link to the left and select us as your charity. Make sure you select our official name as it is listed above the link, Pine Grove United Methodist Church Rayville Nursery & Day Care Inc. Select our official name and we will receive a donation of .5% of all eligible purchases. Share this information with your family and friends to help us raise funds for our program and the missions we support. You don't have to give any additional money to support us in this way. All you need to do is shop on smile.amazon.com.